Nationalization in the GCC: Private
sector progress, strategy and policy
for sustainable nationalization

Sasha Hodgson (1)
Darren Hanson (2)
(1) Assistant Professor of Management,
Zayed University
(2) Associate Professor of Management,
National University of Singapore
Sasha Hodgson
Assistant Professor of Management,
Zayed University
P.O. Box 144534, Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates
Email: Sasha.Hodgson@zu.ac.ae

Introduction/Background of Problem
The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
countries have been continuously struggling
to develop effective Nationalization
strategies that will provide adequate
government enforcement, training programs
and employment opportunities for Nationals
in the private sector industries.
Yousef (2010) states one of the main
problems related to this topic is
that the GCC nations have many Nationals
who are university graduates with
BA, MBA or PhD degrees, yet they have
little actual workplace knowledge
and no job skills or work experience.
Henderson (2011) states another problem
is the GCC governments do not want
to alienate multinational corporations
by forcing them to hire Nationals
who may not be qualified enough to
fill their job vacancies.
This paper examines qualitative and
quantitative data. A literature review
of published academic materials related
to GCC Nationalization made up the
secondary research, while the primary
research involved interviews with
three questions distributed by email
to 350 GCC University students seeking
jobs. 279 of those responded. The
theoretical frameworks were then applied
to the survey results to develop analysis,
conclusions and proper recommendations
for how GCC governments can improve
their strategies to become knowledge
economies where Nationals will gradually
become proficient, experienced and
qualified knowledge workers. The GCC
countries have recently been developing
more suitable Nationalization enforcement
strategies that they hope will compel
private sector companies to hire Nationals
in order to train them and give them
work experience in all private sector
markets. GCC governments can enforce
Nationalization by upgrading knowledge,
education and job skills training
for Nationals to prepare them for
working in the private sector (Carson,
2013, 1-24)
Research Question
"How can GCC governments enforce
Nationalization to upgrade knowledge,
education and skills training for
Nationals to prepare them for working
in the private sector?"
Background of GCC
According to the GCC Council (2013),
the Gulf region is a regional economic
trade agreement established in November
1981 that consists of six nations,
including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman. According
to the CIA World Factbook, the GCC
has over 42 million people and an
annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
of over $1.4 trillion with an average
GDP per capita of $33,000 per person.
According to the World Economic Forum
(2013), the GCC economies will earn
over $2 trillion by 2020, and the
population will increase by 30% to
reach almost 53.5 million people (Fahad,
2013, 1-5) (Carson, 2013, 1-24) (Al-Makahleh,
2013, 1-9).
The Economist Intelligence Unit stated
this will be mainly due to the many
global strategic alliances of government
and private company partnerships in
industries like alternative energy,
construction and tourism. Davis (2013)
states this increase in population
will provide many problems for GCC
Nationals needing jobs since the developing
economies will attract even more experienced
qualified foreign workers to the region.
According to the Saudi Arabia Central
Bank Governor Muhammad Al-Jasser,
as of March 2012, the GCC has finalized
preparations for developing the regional
trading bloc into an official confederation
that will eventually have a single
universal Khaleeji currency and Arab
Common Market to encourage and facilitate
more commercial business activity
between these nations. 'The economic
conditions in the Gulf are excellent
for forming a monetary union and that
a plan to launch a Gulf single currency
was on track", stated Al Jasser
(John, 2011, 1-6) (Martin, 2013, 1-4).
According to UAE Central Bank Governor
Sultan bin Nasser Al-Suweidi, the
main objectives of the GCC include
establishing governmental regulations
for trade, finance, legislation, tourism,
customs and administration and to
develop regional joint ventures. In
the majority of the GCC nations such
as the UAE, there are up to 88% foreign
expatriate workers who have overtaken
the private sector markets. International
Monetary Fund (IMF) liaison Kent Larson
(2012) states this has created problems
for the GCC Nationals who are often
overlooked due to being less qualified
than many global expatriates for various
private sector positions. Fasano (2013)
states the GCC governments have begun
to realize that Human Resource Management
(HRM) job skills training programs
and private sector on the job work
experience are needed to coordinate
with university education institutions
to provide a proper knowledge and
skills foundation for all GCC Nationals
(Anderson, 2012, 1-8) (Al-Khouri,
2010, 1-25).
GCC Country Socio-Economic Profiles
According to the CIA World Factbook,
the GCC country economic profiles
can be broken down by population,
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP
per capita (per person), and real
growth rate or similar traits for
o Bahrain-1.2 million people;
$32 billion GDP; GDP per capita of
$28,200; 2% growth rate
o Kuwait-2.6 million people;
$166 billion GDP; GDP per capita of
$43,800; 6% growth rate; 9% of world's
oil reserves
o Oman-3 million people; $91
billion GDP; GDP per capita of $28,500;
5% growth rate
o Qatar-1.95 million people;
$189 billion GDP; GDP per capita of
$103,000; 6% growth rate; 13% of world's
gas reserves; 3rd worldwide for natural
gas provision
o Saudi Arabia-26.5 million
people; $741 billion GDP; GDP per
capita of $25,700; 6% growth rate;
9% of world's oil reserves
o UAE-5.3 million people; $271
billion GDP; GDP of $49,000; 4% growth
rate (Newman, 2013, 1-9).
The chart below explains how the
GCC countries differ greatly in population
and National participation in the
private sector workforce for diverse
socio-economic and cultural reasons.
Saudi Arabia has the largest National
population by far and an almost equal
and the only majority workforce (51%)
of Nationals and non-Nationals in
the private sector. This is mainly
due to Saudi's limited freedom, conservative
laws for women like not being able
to drive, and lack of recreational
activities for foreigners involving
alcohol, nightclubs and bars (Carson,
2013, 1-9).
Bahrain has the most equal National
and non-National population and the
second highest National workforce
in the private sector at 36% due to
not being as wealthy and Bahrainis
having an almost equal population
to foreigners in the country. Oman
has the fourth highest National workforce
in the private sector at 29% since
many Omanis work in lower social class
jobs like as taxi drivers due to the
country not being as wealthy as the
other GCC nations. Kuwait has the
fourth highest National workforce
in the private sector at 17% due to
having many private sector partnerships
and options for Kuwaitis (Gernal,
2013, 1-7).
UAE has only 6% Nationals in the workforce,
mainly to the combination of being
one of the wealthiest and most westernized
countries that has all the major attractions
for foreigners, such as high salaries,
low competition for jobs, and many
recreational freedoms. UAE has the
second largest difference between
foreigners and Nationals in the entire
population after Saudi, yet with all
the appeal that many of the other
nations lack, including the oil wealth,
westernization and many job opportunities
with the fun lifestyle for foreigners,
making it the most attractive of all
the GCC countries (Fasano, 2013, 1-6).
Qatar as the wealthiest country worldwide
is similar to UAE for the many benefits,
high salaries and freedoms, yet it
lacks the many diverse recreational
fun activities because it is such
a small country. For UAE and Qatar,
the GCC Nationalization strategies
are most important since the governments
have the oil wealth, foreign private
sector partnerships, innovation and
new technologies, highly educated
Nationals, and other necessary resources,
but the Nationals still lack the practical
knowledge, job skills and work experience
needed to be efficient performers
in the private companies (Faizy, 2012,
1-6) (Forstenlechner, 2013, 1-17)
GCC Profile Chart

Table 1: Source - Forstenlechner,
The GCC country workforce comparisons
from the past are shown in the chart
below to display the changes over
time in the region from 1975, 1985,
1990, 1999 and 2008. The chart shows
since 1985 there has always been oil
wealth resulting in a fairly consistent
ratio of foreigners in the GCC due
to small National populations who
were not qualified enough to work
in the private sector jobs (Saudi
is the exception since it has such
a huge National population) (Al-Khouri,
2010, 1-9).
GCC Country Workforce Comparisons:
1975, 1985, 1990, 1999 & 2008
here to view)
GCC Governmental
According to the GCC Council (2013),
the GCC governments' main functions
are the development of the country
and provision of adequate education,
employment, healthcare and other relevant
services for the people. The GCC governments'
main services must coordinate strategies
between federal and local official
authorities to improve the city's
economic and social development. The
United Nations (2012) states the emphasis
in GCC is now on upgrading the enforcement
of Emiratization governmental initiatives
related to education and the economic
development of the countries for the
future using their oil revenues for
improving their human capital job
skills. Qatar Ministry of Labor official
Al-Hassan (2012) stated the GCC governments'
past focus was mainly on the public
sector development, especially the
infrastructure, transportation, telecommunications,
justice and safety programs during
the expansion phase. However, the
current and future focus is on support
and expansion of the Emiratization
initiatives as one of the many ways
the government hopes to help GCC Nationals
obtain good jobs in all industries
(Abu Baker, 2013, 1-4) (Al-Kuwari,
2012, 1-15) (Mendoza, 2013, 1-7).
According to Shehadi (2011), GCC Nationalization
requires a comprehensive strategic
approach to resolve the many issues
related to preparing Nationals for
Human Resource Management (HRM) recruitment
in the private sector. "Addressing
this challenge will require companies
to overcome significant cultural,
social, and legal issues. Booz &
Company has developed a framework
to help companies in this effort,
consisting of three key elements:
defining a company's strategic vision
in employing more GCC women, developing
strategies to attract, develop, evaluate,
and promote the right Nationals for
their workforce needs, and implementing
a change management strategy to ensure
success during the transition",
stated Booz & Company manager
Tom Richardson (Shehadi, 2011, 1-24).
Bashar (2012) states that to aid Nationals
in earning competitive salaries that
will help them cope with the rising
inflation costs, some GCC governments
like the UAE have given all public
sector employees raises of between
70%-100% within the past few years.
This included the UAE National police,
immigration, military and governmental
ministry employees. According to the
United Nations Human Development Report
2012, the GCC governments have been
gradually increasing their social
services sector allowances in accordance
with the federal budgets to improve
the education and training services
provided to Nationals from the Ministries
of Health, Education, Social Affairs
and Culture and Youth and Community
Development (Bartridge, 2005, 51-67)
(Abu Baker, 2013, 1-4).
GCC Nationalization Strategies
According to the Ideas Group (2013),
an international Human Capital Development
and Learning Company based in the
GCC that specializes in teamwork and
leadership development to develop
organizations into high performance
firms showing sustainable growth,
due to the immense wealth of the GCC
oil sector, the region has attracted
millions of highly-qualified expatriate
workers seeking employment with high
tax-free salaries. Peterson (2011)
states to respond to the huge amount
of foreign workers in the GCC region
that has caused high unemployment
rates for Nationals, the governments
have launched many Nationalization
strategies (Atallah, 2011, 1-8) (Ghafour,
2012, 1-8).
Al-Lamki (2010) states the main purpose
of these GCC workforce Nationalization
programs is supposed to be increasing
employment opportunities within the
private sectors. Each individual GCC
government has launched their own
Nationalization initiatives called
Emiratization in the United Arab Emirates
(UAE), Saudization in Saudi Arabia,
Qatarization in Qatar, Kuwaitization
in Kuwait, Bahrainization in Bahrain,
and Omanization in Oman. However,
there has been limited success in
enforcing these strategies in the
past due to the private sector companies
refusing to comply with governmental
initiatives. Megarbane (2001) states
stronger enforcement with benefits
for adherence and penalties for private
sector companies who refuse compliance
to Nationalization initiatives must
be developed in order to adequately
implement these strategies for the
future. The GCC strategies are explained
by country in order of their future
potential effectiveness (Anderson,
2012, 1-4) (Fasano, 2012, 1-5).
The Saudi Arabian government recently
launched one of the most effective
Nationalization programs referred
to as Nitaqat which allowed the Ministry
of Labor to categorize private sector
companies into various color-coded
classes. Firms who have refused to
hire any Saudi Nationals are considered
Red Class, while Yellow class relates
to companies who have employed a few
Nationals. The Green class refers
to companies who have adhered to the
minimum requirements the Saudi government
have proposed from the Ministry of
Labor in the past. The Excellent class
is set aside for the private companies
who have a majority of Saudi National
employees in their workforce. This
system is now the center of all Saudi
Ministry of Labor services, and there
are many benefits that are included
for companies who comply with the
highest Nationalization standards
(Faizy, 2012, 1-6) (Carson, 2013,
If a firm has an Excellent Nationalization
rating, then they are fast-tracked
through the Ministry of Labor processing,
they get more employee visas allowed,
and they can hire expatriates from
the other categories without the need
for sponsor company approval. This
means the companies that adhere to
the Excellent class will be able to
hire the most qualified expatriate
workers from all over the country
without having to worry about any
restrictions from stealing them away
from lower category firms. This strategy
shows how the companies that hire
the most Saudi Nationals will be allowed
to have the most skilled and experienced
expatriates to help them train them.
They will become the market leaders
with the most capable employees who
have the capacity to train Saudi Nationals
and enjoy more efficiency and productivity
resulting in higher market share and
profitability in the long term as
their reward (Faizy, 2012, 1-6).
The UAE has shown gradual success
in their Emiratization program over
time due to new Ministry of Labor
penalties for non-compliance and governmental
strategic alliances, personal contacts
and business networking shown as benefits
to private firms who comply with the
program. Many UAE firms have also
started realizing the long-term advantages
of Emiratization privatized training
programs since the Nationals remain
in their companies longer than many
other expatriates who often leave
after about three years. By 2012,
72% of the UAE banking sector had
complied with the 20% Emiratization
quota due to partnerships with the
government. By 2006, 88% of all private
firms employed 2% of Emiratis, totaling
3700 employees (Verma, 2011, 1-7).
In Kuwait by 2008 the Ministerial
Decree 1104 stated 15% Kuwaitization
was needed for real estate firms and
2% in manufacturing sectors. The Kuwait
National Assembly then passed a law
stipulating extra government subsidiaries
would be paid to private companies
and additional employee salary allowances
would be paid to Kuwait Nationals
who took private sector jobs. This
helped Kuwait National unemployment
rates decrease from 8.5% in 2000 to
2010's rate of less than 4.9%. Since
Qatar's rapid expansion over the past
several years has made them the wealthiest
country in the world attracting hundreds
of global firms, their 25% population
is made up of Qatari Nationals. The
Qatar government has launched a National
Qualification Framework to increase
English skills and vocational educational
opportunities for Qataris. Both the
Bahrain and Omani governments have
similar Nationalization strategies
and Oman now issues Green Cards to
firms that reach their Omanization
quotas so they receive preferential
treatment in government processes
(Randeree, 2012, 1-20) (Beaugrand,
2012, 1-6).
Epistemology Approach
Everest (2012) states the study of
epistemology is the division of philosophy
that researches knowledge in order
to answer the basic question of "what
distinguishes true (adequate) knowledge
from false (inadequate) knowledge?"
This concept relates to scientific
methodology because it studies how
scientists can develop theories or
models that are superior to those
that already exist. This idea also
refers to the study of cognition,
which developed from artificial intelligence
studies and the data processing approach
to psychology. It is used to create
computer programs that copy people's
ability to use knowledge intellectually
(Heylighen, 2008, 116-139).
Cochran (2000) feels the original
theories of epistemology involve how
knowledge emphasized its total, enduring
nature. However, more current concepts
relate to its reliance of specific
situations, how knowledge changes
over time, and how it interacts with
the world around it. Knowledge is
adaptable to different circumstances,
and according to ancient Greek philosophers
like Plato, "knowledge is merely
an awareness of absolute, universal
ideas or forms, existing independent
of any subject trying to apprehend
them". Aristotle stresses more
logical and empirical processes for
obtaining knowledge, and he believes
that "knowledge is an apprehension
of necessary and universal principles"
(Heylighen, 2008, 116-139) (Cooper,
2012, 61-84) (Johnson, 2011, 61-93).
Research Methodology/Research Methods
This paper includes both primary and
secondary research methods using qualitative
and quantitative analysis. A literature
review of published academic materials
related to GCC Nationalization makes
up the secondary research, while the
primary research involved interviews
distributed to 350 GCC University
students seeking jobs. 279 responses
was an excellent response and clearly
showed the topic is of keen interest
to students.
This project also includes information
about how the GCC governments are
developing new Nationalization initiatives
to replace their outdated or ineffective
strategies from the past. The data
gathered was compiled on related Nationalization
strategies that are proving to be
most effective in the GCC countries.
The examination of the secondary research
method results will be analyzed to
provide useful insight into the GCC
governments' future Nationalization
strategies to enforce the initiatives
throughout the countries in all private
sector industries. The qualitative
research will involve providing an
overall analysis of how the theoretical
frameworks and models from the literature
review could be applied to real-world
scenarios for the GCC governments.
Suitable conclusions and recommendations
will be formed to develop effective
strategies that could be implemented
into the GCC government to enforce
Nationalization for the future. This
project will use the ontological epistemology
positivist approach and deductive
reasoning to test the assumptions
about GCC governments enforcing Emiratization
to provide more jobs for Emiratis
in the private sector. This positivist
approach will use empirical evidence
gained from the research methods and
qualitative research analysis to provide
an overall perspective on the GCC
government Nationalization programs
(Zikmund, 2012, 173-185).
Overall Interview Results &
An overall analysis of the interview
results shows many valuable insights
from National perspectives related
to the topic of how to enforce GCC
Nationalization. The interviewees
stated some of the problems relating
to GCC Nationalization being fully
integrated and successful for the
long run deal with Nationals' attitudes
about longer working hours, increased
duties, commitment to the companies
and feelings of entitlement due to
their past cultural experiences. Although
the GCC governments have tried to
request Nationalization strategies
to be accepted, they need to create
stricter guidelines and punishments
for private sector companies that
do not adhere to these policies if
they want them to be properly implemented.
The interviewees stated all of the
GCC nations have strived to create
more enforcement for their individual
Nationalization strategies to help
locals get jobs in private sector
companies. Although many governmental
initiatives have been passed, enforcing
them has been difficult due to the
governments in each country not wanting
to alienate multinational corporations
by forcing them to hire Nationals
who may not be qualified enough to
fill their job vacancies.
The interviewees explained how many
GCC nations are formulating innovative
approaches to coping with this ongoing
problem. The UAE has continuously
faced the challenges of promoting
Emiratization in order to compel private
companies to at least hire Emiratis
for one year as part of probation
training programs with government
subsidiaries contributing to their
monthly salaries. This has led to
partial acceptance on the part of
some private firms who are willing
to participate in the Emiratization
training programs as long as the government
continues to subsidize their salaries.
However, other GCC nations have not
always been so successful in persuading
private sector companies to accept
the changes being proposed.
The interviewees described how when
they have gone on job interviews they
have seen how employers are reluctant
to hire them because they feel they
lack the work experience and may not
perform well or be efficient in their
jobs. They stated there has been major
resistance to these Nationalization
strategies by some foreign private
companies that feel it may jeopardize
their overall efficiency and profitability
if they spend so much time and effort
training new unqualified employees.
The interviewees stated some firms
said that with so many global recruitment
possibilities providing specialists
with exceptional qualifications to
hire, it is not fair that they should
sacrifice their potential profitability
by being forced to hire unskilled
or unknowledgeable employees. The
interviewees stated that on the other
side of the issue, the GCC governments
explain that without their ongoing
financial support and reforms that
keep expanding the countries and providing
new economic opportunities and projects
for foreign companies, they would
not even be able to operate in the
The topic of enforcing GCC Nationalization
strategies and implementing them properly
into the private sector industries
to provide more job opportunities
for Nationals has created many problems
within the region. For foreign companies
wanting to control their employee
HRM recruitment and selection processes,
the issue of compliance with governmental
Nationalization quotas of up to 20%
has been described as difficult for
them to maintain their current efficiency
standards. There has been a lot of
change resistance by GCC private sector
companies to hire Nationals due to
their lack of skills, qualifications
and experience in different sectors.
However, 'by 2025, nearly 95 million
people living in the MENA region will
be between the ages of 15 and 24.
This represents an approximately 8%
increase from 2005 and it will peak
at 100 million in 2035' (Hodgson,
S., & Clausen, T. 2012) so with
many GCC National college graduates
seeking employment yearly and not
enough available public sector jobs
in government positions, it is essential
that they enter the private sector
to reduce unemployment rates.
The key to coordinating an effective
solution to this complicated problem
is for GCC governments to take a strategic
approach to HRM recruitment by making
Nationals much more appealing to private
firms through extensive job skills
training programs. This will require
private companies to be included in
this long-term strategy to help provide
work experience and on the job skills
training, so the GCC governments need
to provide administration discounts
and benefits like salary subsidies
for it to be an attractive option
for them. All the GCC governments
are asking is for private sector companies
to spend short periods of time helping
them provide on the job skills training
to assist in upgrading the qualifications
and work experience of Nationals with
sufficient subsidiaries to compensate
their time and effort. This controversial
issue has been ongoing for many years
with only a few small successes being
However, now that all of the GCC countries
have strong governmental enforcement
policies in place, there should be
many more effective enforcement strategies
being implemented in the near future.
Developing effective Nationalization
strategies to enforce private company
participation in GCC governmental
programs is a complex and challenging
issue that is currently underway in
the Gulf region. However, the key
to long-term success is government-supported
National knowledge-sharing and job
skills training programs. These programs
will involve coaching and mentoring
by private sector firms to help improve
Nationals' qualifications and provide
more employment opportunities for
them in the private industries. Many
experts believe that as the GCC Nationals
gain job skills and work experience
in the private sector, the negative
stereotypes and resistant attitudes
toward Nationals will also change.
As more GCC Nationals enter the private
sector and improve their skills and
experience, they will prove their
capabilities and that will result
in making it easier to enforce Nationalization
quotas in the future.
Due to the GCC labor market challenges
and how they differ by country, the
implementation of governmental strategies
and policies must focus on creating
new job opportunities for Nationals.
This will involve altering the workforce
to suit market requirements.
It will also involve encouraging GCC
Nationalization in the private sector
with motivational incentives like
foreign partnerships with governments
and fast-tracked trade license processes
for firms who comply with set quotas.
Some of the recommendation policies
that will help the GCC governments
upgrade their Nationalization strategies
to make them more effective include:
o Create job opportunities
in private sector by forcing companies
to offer positions specifically made
for Nationals to meet their Nationalization
o GCC governments must launch
new educational and economic reform
policies and HRM job skills training
programs for Nationals to better prepare
them for the private sector workforce
o Barriers to entering the
private sector workforce must be removed
for Nationals, including cultural
prejudices and a lack of qualifications
o Nationals should have job
search assistance coordinated with
local GCC recruitment agencies supported
by governments
o GCC governments should launch
educational awareness programs on
new Nationalization initiative enforcement
to motivate private firms to meet
their quotas and to encourage Nationals
to improve their job skills training
and pursue higher educational opportunities
or IT and computer institute training
o GCC governments should subsidize
National salaries to help private
firms afford them as employees and
to encourage National applications
for recruitment
o Enforce Nationalization strategies
with appropriate governmental administrative
measures, like private sector firm
trade license registration and renewal
involving compliance checks to ensure
they have hired the minimum number
of Nationals
o Enhance private sector benefits
like reduced governmental fees for
compliance with Nationalization initiatives
o Stricter regulations for
monitoring private firm recruitment
of Nationals
o Allow for Nationals to be
dismissed like expats if their performance
is not up to private sector managerial
o Develop HR employee relations
program for addressing possible future
equity issues related to GCC Nationals
earning higher salaries than expatriates
for the same job
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